
Which SIM plans is best for you?

外国に行くとき 忘れちゃいけない大事なもの


そう! SIMカード!


データ量は? 3GB? 6GB? 10GB? 電話は? 




1番多かったのは 3GB!

学校やCAFEにもWifiがあるので 3GBで十分だそうです

そして ほとんどの人が電話もできるプランでした

また 旅行や外出のように移動が多い人は 5~10GBのプランにしていました

おいしいお店を検索したり 地図を見たり


日本語を調べる 家族や友達と連絡をとる 動画を見る ゲームをする・・・

日本での生活に とーーーーっても大事なスマホのSIMカード


Do you have any idea one thing you should not forget to bring when you go to aboard?
The answer is SIM card!
How much data do you need? 3GB? 6GB? 10GB??
How about phone service?
Do you know how many Wi-Fi spots do we have in Japan?
TLS staff interviewed to students “how much data do you have?”
The most popular answer was 3GB.
Since TLS and café have Wi-Fi spot. 3GB is enough.
Also, most students have plan with phone service.
Some like traveling and going out use 5-10GB service though.
It is because they are searching nice restaurant and using map, and upload photos to Instagram as soon as they took them.
We can look up a dictionary application, contact to family and friends, watch movie and play video games with your smartphone.
SIM card is essential to spend a better life in Japan.
Which data plan do you want to have?

2020年2月7日 教務部 草野 陽