
神社仏閣|Shrines and Temples



① 入口にある鳥居(神様の世界と人が住む世界とを分けるもの)の前で1度礼をする
② 手水舎の水で手と口を清める(きれいにすること)
③ 鳥居からは道の端を歩いて拝殿(お参りをする所)に向かう
④ お賽銭(神様にお供えするお金)を拝殿前にある賽銭箱に入れる
⑤ 鈴を鳴らし「二礼二拍手一礼」(2回頭を下げる、2回拍手、1回頭を下げる)をする
⑥ 最後に鳥居を出る時はお賽銭箱のあった本殿に向かって1度礼をする




Shrines and Temples

In this article, we will introduce the differences between popular shrines and temples in Japan and what to do with them!

First, let’s talk about shrines.
Shrines are where the Japanese gods live.
When you arrive at the shrine, there are six steps to follow.

(1) Bow once in front of the torii gate (which separates the world of the gods from the world of humans) at the entrance.
(2) Purify your hands and mouth with water from the hand- and mouth-wash basin (cleanliness).
(3) From the torii gate, walk along the edge of the road to the hall of worship (the place for praying).
(4) Put money which is offered to the god into the money box in front of the shrine.
(5) Ring the bell and perform “bow twice, clap twice, bow once”.
Between two claps and one bow, clasp your hands together in prayer.
(6) Finally, when exiting the torii gate, bow once toward the main shrine where the money box was located.

A shrine is a place to pray for happiness.
When you pray, tell God what you have decided in your heart and what you will do your best from now on
Please note that this is not a request to God!

Enjoy the shrine even more the right way!

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