
Station Booth


なんとこれは駅中にあるシェアオフィス、その名も『Station Booth』!


自宅で勉強するのに飽きたという人も、気分転換にStation Boothを使ってみると面白いかもしれませんね。

Station Booth

What is this? Telephone Booth?

This is a shared office in the station, the name is “Station Booth”!
Recently shared offices have been seen here and there, but it seems that being able to use them inside a station without leaving the ticket gate is the first in Japan.

It is said that the number of users is increasing due to the influence of Coronavirus and Work System Reform.
It is a quiet, completely private room equipped with Wi-Fi, and seems to be used for working, studying, napping, and English conversation learning.
Inside of the station it can be easily used as your own room, so some students use it only for talking with their friends.

If you would like to change your studying environment, or if you are tired of studying at home, it might be interesting for you to use this Station Booth.