
How much is the living cost for a month in Japan?

日本の生活にかかるお金は 寮費 食費 交際費 アルバイトは??




お昼はコンビニ 朝と夜は自炊する学生がほとんどでした


あとは 友達とカラオケに行ったり 服を買ったりするのに20,000円くらい


他にも アルバイトをしている学生は50,000円くらい収入があるそうです

日本での生活費 なんとなくわかりましたか~~~?

How much do you think it costs to study in Japan?
Dormitory, food, social expenses…
Do TLS students work as part-time job?
Let’s see how much it costs for one month for TLS students!
Dormitory expense is 39,000 to 70,000 yen for one month.
Food expense is 30,000 to 50,000 yen for one month.
Most students buy lunch at a convenience store but they seem to cook breakfast and dinner.
Some students which pay 50,000 yen for food expense often eat out…
About 20,000 yen is for going to karaoke with friends and buying clothes.
And most students are given remittance from parents, which is about 100,000 yen.
Students who work as part-time job earn about 50,000 yen.
Did you see somehow the cost of living in Japan??

2019年12月6日 教務部 草野 陽