
Home stay and home visit experience!

ウルグアイ(Uruguay)? パラグアイ(Paraguay)? ブラジル(Brasil)?

日本から一番遠い国は この3つの国だそうです

ウルグアイ・パラグアイ・ブラジルのみなさーん こんにちは!!

さて 日本に住む留学生にとって一番遠い場所・・・・

そ・れ・は・ 日本人の家で~す 


ホームステイプログラムが今年も開催され TLSの学生達が日本人の家に!!



Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil are the farthest countries from Japan.
Hello, people from these countries!
Well, the farthest place for students who are living in Japan is “Japanese people’s home”! It is physically close, but feels like so far!
TLS has “home stay program” cooperated with Hippo Family Club and students can visit Japanese family this year as well. Special thanks to Hippo Family Club!
After they enjoyed the stay and visit, they seemed they had an actual trip!

2019年9月13日 教務部 稲垣 奈津実