
It’s 34℃ (93.2°F) today


ヨーロッパから アメリカから アジアの国々から

そして ここ日本 東京 江戸川区 NISHI-KASAI も暑いんです・・・

外に出ると1分で 太陽の光が・・・・・・

エアコンのある教室の中の勉強も やっぱり少し大変

先生も学生も 少しずつ水を飲みながら 

暑い国から来た学生達も 先生 NISHI-KASAI の 夏 暑いデース! 

こうなったら この暑い夏を楽しむしかないっ

どうやって 楽しむ???? う~~~~~~~ん

涼しい図書館で 日本語の勉強はいかがでしょう・・・・

We have received news about “hot summer” from all around the world!
From Europe, USA, and Asia, ee are having hot summer here at Nishi-Kasai as well!
We could be melting because of the dazzling sunlight in a minute we go outside.
Even though TLS class rooms have air conditioner, it is not easy to be focus on studying, so both teachers and students are trying to be hydrated by drinking water.
Even students who are from hot countries say “summer in Nishi-Kasai is too hot!”
Well, in this case, we should enjoy that hot summer!
How do you enjoy it? Hmmmm……
Why don’t you study Japanese at library which has a nice cool AC on?

2019年8月16日 稲垣 奈津実