
Career Fair 2019

TLSを卒業したら何をしよう? 皆さんならどうやって考えますか??

自分の進路だけど 1人で考えるのってムズカシイ・・・



今年は7/24と25 2日間で42の専門学校 大学 会社が TLSの学生のために 学校に来て説明会をしてくれました!!

そして去年よりさらにパワーアップ  仕事体験♪英語でのセミナー♪

どんな人でも 学べる プログラムがたーーーーーーーっくさん

こっこっ こんなにたくさんの学校 会社が来てくれるんですか! と学生もびっくり

そうなんですよ! こんなプログラム 日本語学校でもとてもめずらしいんです

たくさんたくさんたっくさん 会って! 聞いて! 話して!


What would you like to do after graduating from TLS? How do you think about it?
Though it is my own future, it’s hard to think alone.
Well, let’s go to the Career fair which is special event only for TLS!
Total of 42 professional training colleges, universities and companies came for TLS students and gave a briefing session on July 24th and 25th this year!
Also we had a mock work experiences and seminar in English.
TLS provides many programs anyone can take and learn.
Students were very surprised because lots of schools and companies came to them!
Yes, it is very special such a program in Japanese language school.
Students had a good experience to think about their future plan since they could get a great opportunity to meet and talk to people!

2019年8月2日 教務部 関口 由貴