
Golden Week


私は藤の花を見に栃木県まで行ってきました♪ 写真↑↑↑↑

学生たちはどうやって連休をどう過ごしたんだろう? Let’sインタビュー!!




先生も学生も たっくさん遊んで たっくさん勉強する 


We had “Golden Week” which is large consecutive holidays last week!
I went to Tochigi prefecture to see wisteria flowers. (Photo is above.)
How did the students spend their holidays?
Let’s interview!!
“I went to a museum in Tokyo many times. There were more people than pictures…”
“I went to the temples with my friends, and bought an amulet for passing JLPT!”
“I went to universities which I wanted to enter for open campus! I could ask many questions in Japanese!”
That is TLS style both teachers and students play and study lots and lots!

2019年5月10日  教務部  蠣﨑 芽衣