
Entrance ceremony

4月11日 入学式が行われました!!




いろんな人が 目標をもってTLSに入学しました!

さらに 1年間でTLSに来る日本人ゲストは なんと・・・1000人以上!!

日本人やいろんな人と話すチャンス 考え方を知るチャンスが いっぱい!

TLSは日本語の勉強を通して いろんな人と つながるチャンスがい~~っっぱい!!

TLS had an entrance ceremony on April 11th!
We have lots of new students and now we have students from 37 countries!
It means TLS is same as a little earth!
All students have their own dreams and aims to enter TLS.
Since we have over 1,000 Japanese guests a year, students have lots of opportunities to talk to people and get to know their thought.
Studying at TLS expands chance to connect lots of people!

2019年4月19日 教務部 稲垣 奈津実