

さて 新学期が無事にスタートしたTLS

あいさつや自己紹介が終わって 最初に盛り上がるのがこのトピック!

「休みの間 何をしていましたか??」


写真は長野県の松本城! 青い空に白いお城のコントラストがキレイ!!

中には「京都から奈良まで歩きました!!」という学生も・・・!! びっくり∑(゚Д゚)

しっかりリフレッシュ 新学期へのエネルギーチャージは完璧です☆

ところで!皆さん!7/7のラジオ お楽しみいただけましたか??

聞いたよ!!という人も あっっっ聞き逃した・・・!!という人も


The new semester has been started at TLS.
After greetings and self-introduction were over, students were having fun conversation with topics of “what did you do during the break?”
Some said “I spent relaxing time with family”.
Others said “I traveled with friends”.
You can see Matsumoto Castle in the photo.
How beautiful the contrast of the white castle in the blue sky is!
Some students walked from Nara to Kyoto… That was quite amazing!
They enjoyed the break and ready to study at new semester.

By the way, did you enjoy listening to the radio on July 7th?
Even you missed it, don’t worry!
We will tell you a lot about it in the next blog!

2019年7月12日 教務部 関口 由貴